Job-Related Changes Impacting Visaed Employees
Almost all employer-sponsored immigration and visa efforts for foreign national employees require the employer to disclose the employee’s job title, job description, work location and compensation.
Because a change in any one of these can cause visa-related problems ranging from "problematic" to "disastrous", and because knowing about potential changes in advance can make all the difference in the world, please inform us immediately and in advance whenever any of the following events might occur in the work life of a visaed employee:
Change in job title
Change in job duties
Change in work location
Decrease in compensation
Interest in bidding on a different job
Extended leave of absence
Change in work hours from full-time to part-time (or vice versa)
Relocation outside the United States
Assignment to a different operating company
Knowing about any of these proposed changes will allow us to provide advice and counsel that will minimize risk and avoid problems.