U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has advised its customers that, due to a tremendous increase in the number of applications filed, processing of fee payments and entry of cases into USCIS' tracking system is behind schedule. As a result, applicants can expect notices of receipt to be delayed. USCIS says that it is working hard to deal with the increased volume and has published the following frequently asked questions in order to provide additional information to applicants.
What is the cause of the receipt delay?
How does a receipt delay affect my case?
Is this why I haven't received my receipt notice?
Is USCIS prioritizing certain application(s) during the receipting process?
What will USCIS do to ensure employment authorization documents are processed within 90 days?
How is USCIS planning to address this receipting delay?
If I filed before the new fee change and my application is rejected, do I need to pay the new higher fee?
How do I find out if my application is a part of the receipting delay?
Will this affect my ability to travel?
USCIS' Receipt Delays FAQ can be accessed by going to the USCIS Receipt Delays FAQ website