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Dinsmore | Immigration
Jun 15, 2009

Changes over the June 2009 VB

Preference Category Chargeability Change From Last Month's VB
EB-1 Remains current across the board
EB-2 All Chargeability Areas Remains current
China Retrogresses 5 years and 1½ months
India No change
Mexico Remains current
Philippines Remains current
EB-3 All Chargeability Areas Remains unavailable
China Remains unavailable
India Remains unavailable
Mexico Remains unavailable
Philippines Remains unavailable

U.S. State Department Commentary About Employment Visa Availability


It has been necessary to retrogress the Mexico Family First and Third preference cut-off dates, as well as the China Employment Second preference cut-off date for July to keep visa issuances within those annual category numerical limits.


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